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European Sustainable Finance Regulation

2.6 % TVA incluse


ZusammenfassungYour essential guide to the new European regulatory architecture for sustainable finance, its key concepts and regulations. The book introduces you to this new field of finance, which has experienced a true regulatory tsunami over the past few years. Written in a style accessible also for readers without a legal background.The book-helps you navigate the new complexity in sustainable finance,-connects the dots within the highly sophisticated system of the new European regulatory framework for sustainable finance,-explains the concept of «green» investment,-discusses key concepts of sustainable finance defined by the new regulations,-provides practical guidance on key regulations (taxonomy, disclosure, MiFID II, corporate sustainability reporting).
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Pays de publicationSuisse
Année de parution2024
Date de parution31.08.2024
Edition1. A.
Pages250 pages
BZ n°47031515


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