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Reading and Writing Place

Connecting Rural Schools and Communities - HC gerader Rücken kaschiert
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RésuméIn Reading and Writing Place: Connecting Rural Schools and Communities Erika L. Bass and Amy Price Azano suggest there is a need to add nuance to the ways we consider and engage with place in the classroom. Using a narrative writing project completed with two rural schools in two states, the authors provide an explanation of critical placed education and how students' explorations of place through writing led the authors to develop a concept of place (Big "P" and small "p" place). Students' explorations of place highlighted the how internalizations and externalizations of place impact identity formation and sense of belonging.
RésuméUsing a place-infused narrative writing unit with two rural schools in two different states, the authors argue for a nuanced understanding of using place in the classroom. This book explores how student data led the authors to develop the concept of place: Big "P" Place and small "p" place.
Type de produitLivre
Année de parution2024
Date de parution23.02.2024
Pages160 pages
DimensionsLargeur 157 mm, Hauteur 235 mm, Épaisseur 13 mm
Poids394 g
BZ n°45833312


Erika L. Bass is assistant professor of English Education at the University of Northern Iowa.

Amy Price Azano, is a professor of rural education and adolescent literacy and director of the Virginia Tech Center for Rural Education.
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