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The Mini ADHD Coach

How to (finally) Understand Yourself
Taille reliureThe Mini ADHD Coach
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RésuméWith funny and relatable illustrations throughout, find out what it's really like to live with ADHD.

When Alice Gendron was diagnosed with ADHD aged 29, she knew she didn't fit the usual ADHD stereotypes. And she knew she wasn't alone. With 10 percent of the population worldwide living with ADHD, it's still highly misunderstood.

Can you have ADHD and still be able to focus? Do you have to be hyperactive to get a diagnosis?

The Mini ADHD Coach will set the record straight. Through Alice's much-loved illustrations, you'll learn:

- How ADHD can impact your daily life, from getting dressed and commuting to dating and making dinner
- How to deal with strong emotions after your ADHD diagnosis
- What ADHD expressions, such as analysis paralysis, hyperfocus and time blindness, really mean
- And how to finally understand yourself

Full of insider tips, daily hacks and an important glossary of ADHD language, this book will show you that you are not alone and that by with working with your brain, not against it, it is possible to thrive with ADHD.
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2023
Date de parution27.07.2023
Pages208 pages
DimensionsLargeur 175 mm, Hauteur 197 mm, Épaisseur 23 mm
Poids560 g
BZ n°42392305


Alice Gendron was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 29 and created her online platform, The Mini ADHD Coach, to navigate her diagnosis and help others to make sense of theirs too. Alice's funny and relatable illustrations are loved around the world. She currently lives in Bordeaux, France and has also lived in Melbourne, Australia.
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