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A short story about a long run
Taille reliureRunner
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RésuméTells the story of Hawker, who holds many records including the world record for 24 hour road running. Looks at the physical, emotional and mental challenges of human endurance.
Texte supplémentaireRunner is beautifully written and as packed with pure inspiration (and possibility) as any book ever written on the subject, destined to become a classic of the genre.

'Britain s most distinctive female ultra runner , coming first in the UTMB five times, taking gold in the Women s 100km World Championships in Korea in 2006, setting a new women s world record for 24 hours on the road in the 2011 Commonwealth Championships and a new course record at the sunbaked 246 km Spartathlon in 2012.

But Hawker s inspirational memoir does not focus on the figures. She s more interested in why she is able to push herself beyond normal limits, and how running makes her feel. Her book is strong on Buddhist philosophy and the peace that comes with living fully in the now.'

'She's held the world record for distance covered in 24 hours and is a five-time winner of the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc. Runner follows her through that 100 mile race, breaking off to explore what driver her, and the physical, mental and emotional challenge of pushing the limits.'

The astonishing Lizzy Hawker s story provides a much-needed female slant on the sport. Where this could have been an insufferable list of extremes endured, Hawker s generosity of spirit and faith in what running can do for one s soul makes it a rather moving tribute to what all of us might be capable of.

'About what it means to be a runner, facing the highs and the lows, being full of doubt, but also determined. This book will inspire and enthuse you to move outside of your comfort zone and live life.'

A book that will make you think and, of course, want to go running in the mountains.

Need inspiration? This book tells ultra-athlete Lizzy Hawker s story. From winning the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc to becoming the 100K Women s World Champion, Lizzy s story is truly moving.
RésuméRunner  is the story of Lizzy Hawker's journey and will get inside the head of the physical, mental and emotional challenges that runners go through at the edge of human endurance, in much the same way as Aurum's classic running story  Feet in the Clouds  by Richard Askwith did nearly ten years ago.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Seiten288 Seiten
MasseLargeur 129 mm, Hauteur 198 mm, Épaisseur 19 mm
Gewicht230 g
Illustrationen16-page plate section


Inspired by mountains and wilderness, Lizzy Hawker 'fell' into the world of ultra-distance and endurance running more by chance than by design. Endurance has always been a way of life for Lizzy, rather than a sport. But having the courage to take some unexpected opportunities opened doors, and her achievements snowballed both on the road and the trail. She is the world record holder for 24hrs and was the 2006 world champion in 100km on the road. She is also 4-time winner of The North Face Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc, and in 2011 set a new record running from Everest Base Camp to Kathmandu.
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