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Gold B2 First New Edition Exam Maximiser with Key

Taille reliureGold B2 First New Edition Exam Maximiser with Key
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextGold Exam Maximisers provide extensive support for the coursebook with language work, additional practice exam tasks and extras. The Exam Maximiser can be used alongside the coursebook or on its own for re-takers.

Special features:

Recycles and reviews the Coursebook grammar and vocabulary
Provides exam practice in exam format, with strategies and guidance
Includes one complete practice test for timed practice in the run up to the exam
Contains extra resources, including help with common errors
Available with Key and without Key
ZusammenfassungGold Exam Maximisers provide extensive support for the coursebook with language work, additional practice exam tasks and extras. The Exam Maximiser can be used alongside the coursebook or on its own for re-takers.
Comprehensive revision, practice and extension, and additional Use of English sections
Additional practice of skills, exam tasks and language points
A complete practice test
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Auflage6. A./4. Dr. 2019
Seiten144 pages
MasseBreite 219 mm, Höhe 277 mm, Dicke 7 mm
Gewicht384 g


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