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The Leader's Dilemma

How to Build an Empowered and Adaptive Organization Without Losing Control
Taille reliureThe Leader's Dilemma
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméDrawing on their work on performance management within the 'beyond budgeting' movement over the past ten years, including many interviews and case studies, Jeremy Hope, Peter Bunce and Franz Röösli set out in this book an executive guide to building a new management model based on eight key change management issues:* 1. Governance: From rules and budgets to purpose and values* 2. Success: From fixed targets to relative improvement* 3. Organization: From centralized functions to customer-oriented teams* 4. Accountability: From narrow targets to holistic success criteria* 5. Trust: From central control to local autonomy* 6. Transparency: From closed information to open book management* 7. Rewards: From individual incentives to team-based reward* 8. Risk: From complying with rules to understanding pressure pointsThis book is about rethinking how we manage organizations in a post-industrial, post credit crunch world where innovative management models represent the only remaining source of sustainable competitive advantage.[i] The changes suggested by the authors will enable and encourage a cultural climate change that will help organizations to attract and keep the best people as well as drive continuous innovation and growth.Above all, The CEO's Dilemma is about learning how to change business - based on best practice and innovation drawn from leaders world-wide who have built and managed successful organizations.
EinbandartFester Einband
Auflage1. Auflage
Seiten344 pages
MasseLargeur 135 mm, Hauteur 216 mm, Épaisseur 24 mm
Gewicht646 g


Foreword.Preface.Some definitions.Introduction.The organization as an adaptive system.1 Principle #1 - Values.Bind people to a common cause, not a central plan.2 Principle #2 - Governance.Govern through shared values and sound judgment, not detailed rules and regulations.3 Principle #3 - Transparency.Make information open and transparent; don't restrict and control it.4 Principle #4 - Teams.Organize around a seamless network of accountable teams, not centralized functions.5 Principle #5 - Trust.Trust teams to regulate and improve their performance; don't micro-manage them.6 Principle #6 - Accountability.Base accountability on holistic criteria and peer reviews, not on hierarchical relationships.7 Principle #7 - Goals.Set ambitious medium-term goals, not short-term fixed targets.8 Principle #8 - Rewards.Base rewards on relative performance, not fixed targets.9 Principle #9 - Planning.Make planning a continuous and inclusive process, not a top-down annual event.10 Principle #10 - Coordination.Coordinate interactions dynamically, not through annual budgets.11 Principle #11 - Resources.Make resources available just-in-time, not just-in-case.12 Principle #12 - Controls.Base controls on fast, frequent feedback, not on budget variances.13 Implementation insights.14 Make management change your legacy.Notes.Index.mehr


Jeremy Hope is co-founder of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table, a not-for-profit collaborative dedicated to helping organizations improve their management models. He is a chartered accountant and a co-author of Transforming the Bottom Line, Competing in the Third Wave and Beyond Budgeting. He is also author of Reinventing the CFO. He lives in West Yorkshire, England and can be contacted at Bunce is a co-founder of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT), a not-for-profit collaborative dedicated to helping organizations improve their management models. He is a Chartered Engineer and has held various posts in manufacturing engineering and collaborative research. He lives in Hampshire, England and can be contacted at Röösli is a professor and management trainer at the University of Applied Sciences North Western Switzerland (FHNW) and Director of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT), an international shared learning network for management development. He has experienced many years in management positions in different industries. He lives in Switzerland and can be contacted at
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