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Investing in Innovation

Confronting Predatory Value Extraction in the U.S. Corporation
Taille reliureInvesting in Innovation
2.6 % TVA incluse


Résumé"Business corporations interact with household units and government agencies to make investments in productive capabilities required to generate innovative goods and services. When they work harmoniously, these three types of organizations constitute "the investment triad". The Biden administration's Build Back Better agenda to restore sustainable prosperity in the United States has focused on investment in productive capabilities by government agencies and household units. Largely absent from the Biden agenda have been policy initiatives to ensure that, given government and household investment in productive capabilities, the governance of major U.S. business corporations supports investment in innovation. This Element explains how corporate financialization, manifested by predatory value extraction in the name of "maximizing shareholder value", undermines investment in innovation in the United States. It concludes by outlining a policy framework, beginning with a ban on stock buybacks, that confronts predatory value extraction and puts in place social institutions that support sustainable prosperity"--
RésuméThis Element explains how corporate financialization, manifested by predatory value extraction in the name of 'maximizing shareholder value', undermines investment in innovation in the United States. It outlines a policy framework that confronts predatory value extraction and puts in place social institutions that support sustainable prosperity.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2023
Date de parution30.11.2023
DimensionsLargeur 152 mm, Hauteur 229 mm, Épaisseur 8 mm
Poids164 g
IllustrationsWorked examples or Exercises
BZ n°44089684


Table des matières
Introduction; 1. Productive Capabilities and Sustainable Prosperity; 2. Innovative Enterprise; 3. From Retain-and-Reinvest to Downsize-and-Distribute; 4. Shareholder-Value Ideology and the Looting of the U.S. Business Corporation; 5. Reforming Corporate Governance for Sustainable Prosperity;
This Element explains how corporate financialization,through predatory value extraction, undermines investment in innovation in the


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