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Heart of Darkness

A Norton Critical Edition
Taille reliureHeart of Darkness
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméThis edition includes a newly edited text based on the 1902 edition. Textual History and Editing Principles provides an overview of the controversies and ambiguities surrounding Heart of Darkness. Included are background and source materials, and contemporary responses to the novella along with essays in criticism, including a new section on film adaptations.
RésuméThis is the best Norton Critical Edition yet! All my students are becoming intensely interested in reading Conrad-largely because of this excellent work. -Elise F. Knapp, Western Connecticut State University
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationÉtats-Unis
Année de parution2016
Date de parution15.11.2016
Mise en vente28.10.2016
Edition5. A.
DimensionsLargeur 130 mm, Hauteur 213 mm, Épaisseur 28 mm
Poids477 g
BZ n°20219231


Paul B. Armstrong is Professor of English and former Dean of the College at Brown University. He was previously a professor and a dean at the University of Oregon and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He has also taught at the University of Copenhagen, Georgia Institute of Technology, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Virginia, and the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts. He is the author of How Literature Plays with the Brain: The Neuroscience of Reading and Art; Play and the Politics of Reading: The Social Uses of Modernist Form; Conflicting Readings: Variety and Validity in Interpretation; The Challenge of Bewilderment: Understanding and Representation in James, Conrad, and Ford; and The Phenomenology of Henry James. He is editor of the Norton Critical Edition of E. M. Forster´s Howards End and of the fourth and fifth Norton Critical Editions of Heart of Darkness.
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