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Do you want to launch your business and get results quickly? Do you worry you may run out of time, energy and money before your cash flow is up and running? Does it seem that the conventional start-up process is slowing things down? If so, what you need is a faster way to launch your business. And that’s what Zoom! gives you. It’s packed with the powerful tools, techniques and ideas that will get you ready to launch your business in just 60 days.


Whatever your business idea, Zoom!will help you make it a revenue-generating reality in the quickest possible time.
RésuméIncluded in the Independent's Top Ten Business Start Up Books' 2012

Short, punchy and practical, this book is packed with powerful tools, techniques and ideas that will get you ready to launch your business in just 60 days. With useful advice on everything you need to make your business happen, from marketing, to logo design, accounts, registration, e-commerce and everything else in-between.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2011
Pages224 pages
Poids280 g
Id-produit de l'éditeur75567FT
BZ n°11447785


Table des matières


WHY LISTEN TO US: The Authors on The Authors

INTRODUCTION: Launching a business has just got quicker

1.      CREATING YOUR EUREKA MOMENT: How to catch an idea

2.      THE TROUBLE WITH TOO MUCH PLANNING: Why doing is more useful than planning

3.      GETTING TO GRIPS WITH YOUR MISSION: Why you need to understand what’s Driving You

4.      SET A GOAL:Knowing where you want to go is the first step to getting there

5.      LICENCE TO BE CURIOUS: How snooping about leads to business success

6.      SHAPING YOUR IDEA: How to box up your business for your customers

7.      IMAGINE IT! How to be a visionary

8.      THINK LIKE A SPEEDBOAT: Lessons in Agility

9.      EMBRACE BUSINESS DOING: The Power of getting stuff done

10.  SALAMI STEPS: How to make your business happen slice by slice

11.  TELLING YOUR STORY: Making your business stand out from the crowd

12.  THINK LIKE A KID: Why you should keep it simple

13.  THE POWER OF COLLABORATION: When two minds is better than one

14.  MAGIC UMBRELLA: How to deal with challenges

15.  LAUNCH IN BETA: What you can learn from a software company

16.  YOUR LAUNCH DAY: Hell Yeah

17.  CREATE A DASHBOARD: Adjusting your business for success






Ian Sanders is very much a doer helping businesses and entrepreneurs make their ideas happen. Ian launched his own business in 2000 specialising in the creative industry where he's helped launch ideas in TV, radio, advertising, design, software and technology. Starting out in BBC local radio whilst a teenager, after university Ian worked in music television before joining the Unique Broadcasting Company where he headed up special projects alongside being MD of Unique Facilities. Ian is passionate about ideas, creativity, business and storytelling; he's contributed to & Monocle magazine and spoken at South by South West Interactive in Austin, Texas & London's Royal College of Art. He's also author of Leap! Ditch Your Job, Start Your Own Business & Set Yourself Free and Juggle! Rethink Work, Reclaim Your Life. Ian lives in Leigh-on-Sea with his wife and two sons, finding the coast a great place to incubate ideas. You'll usually find him in a coffee shop, brainstorming over an espresso.

Web twitter @iansanders


Having spent nearly two years training as a journalist with the BBC, David Sloly was promptly fired on completion of his course for humiliating a politician. The story spread quickly through the industry and David became highly sought after and was quickly snapped up by the UK's first independent radio production company. It is there that he learnt the art of creating content that people valued. His skill at capturing the imagination of an audience was used to great effect in creating award-winning content for Radio, TV and advertising. Some of the brands that he generated original ideas for include Smirnoff, Google and Sony. Some of the channels he worked for include MTV, the BBC (briefly) and Kiss100.
David is also a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist which gives him great insight into the human mind.  He is particularly interested in behavioural economics, now he couples this with business and marketing with great effect. So, if an employer tries to fire him again, he simply hypnotises them into a state where they drastically increase his salary.



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