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Financial Times Briefing on Corporate Governance, The

Taille reliureFinancial Times Briefing on Corporate Governance, The
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You don’t have the time to read around a subject but you need the answers to your pressing business issues – fast. Financial Times Briefings provide short, high value, results-focused advice to ensure that you deliver hard measurable outcomes.
Clear, concise results-focused information

Brief, relevant case studies demonstrate success and failure

Emphasis on actions and objectives

Benchmarks and metrics to measure outcomes and achievements

‘Briefing Lessons’ quickly distil key business insights
Good corporate governance practices are a crucial part of any successful business. Financial Times Briefing: Corporate Governance is a practical and accessible guide to everything you need to know about corporate governance. Whether you’re a non-executive director, CEO, shareholder or auditor, the unique structure of this book will ensure that you get the targeted advice you need.
RésuméGood corporate governance practices are a crucial part of any successful business. Financial Times Briefing: Corporate Governance is a practical and accessible guide to everything you need to know about corporate governance: the key legal and regulatory points, current developments, discussion of the significant factors and an exploration of the link between corporate governance and business effectiveness.Whether you're a non-executive director, CEO, shareholder or auditor, the unique structure of this book will ensure that you get the targeted advice you need.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2011
Date de parution18.08.2011
Pages224 pages
Poids390 g
Id-produit de l'éditeur74597FT
BZ n°11037270


Brian Finch has been Director of Business Development for large UK public companies, as well as co-founder and Finance Director of an SME retail business with substantial internet trading. By background an engineer and certified accountant, he has an MBA from the London Business School. He is the author of a number of books, including The Times Guide to How To Write a Business Plan 3rd Edition, (Kogan Page).
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