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The AI Revolution in Customer Service and Support: A Practical Guide to Impactful Deployment of AI Models

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RésuméIn the rapidly evolving AI landscape, customer service and support professionals find themselves in a prime position to take advantage of this innovative technology to drive customer success. The AI Revolution in Customer Service and Support is a practical guide for professionals who want to harness the power of generative AI within their organizations to create more powerful customer and employee experiences. This book is designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to embrace the AI revolution and integrate the technology, such as large language models (LLMs), machine learning, predictive analytics, and gamified learning, into the customer experience. Start your journey toward leveraging this technology effectively to optimize organizational productivity. A portion of the book's proceeds will be donated to the nonprofit Future World Alliance, dedicated to K-12 AI ethics education. IN THIS BOOK YOU'LL LEARN About AI, machine learning, and data scienceHow to develop an AI vision for your organizationHow and where to incorporate AI technology in your customer experience fl owAbout new roles and responsibilities for your organizationHow to improve customer experience while optimizing productivityHow to implement responsible AI practicesHow to strengthen your culture across all generations in the workplaceHow to address concerns and build strategies for reskilling and upskilling your peopleHow to incorporate games, play, and other techniques to engage your agents with AIExplore thought experiments for the future of support in your organization "Insightful & comprehensive-if you run a service & support operation, put this book on your essential reading list right now!" -PHIL WOLFENDEN, Cisco, VP, Customer Experience "This book is both timely and relevant as we enter an unprecedented period in our industry and the broader world driven by Generative AI. The magnitude and speed of change we're experiencing is astounding and this book does an outstanding job balancing technical knowledge with the people and ethical considerations we must also keep front of mind." -BRYAN BELMONT, Microsoft, Corporate VP, Customer Service & Support "The authors of this book are undoubtedly on the front lines of operationalizing Gen AI implementations in customer support environments... and they know undoubtedly that at its core, support is about people and genuine human connections. This book walks you through their journey to keep people at the center of this technical tsunami." -PHAEDRA BOINODIRIS, Author, AI for the Rest of Us
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationÉtats-Unis
Année de parution2024
Date de parution30.12.2024
BZ n°45859507


Table des matières
Part I: Introduction to AI and Its Applications in Support

1          The Seeds of an AI Revolution

2          Overview of Generative AI and Data Science Machine Learning

3          Application Areas of AI in Support

Part II: Practical Guidance for Creating and Deploying AI Models on Your Own Enterprise Content

4          Vision of Success

5          Discover: Laying the Foundation

6          Design: Building the Blueprint

7          Develop: Crafting the Solution

8          Diagnose: Ensuring Effectiveness

9          Deploy: Launching the Solution

10        Detect: Monitoring & and Feedback

Part III: Important Considerations for AI Model Creation and Deployment

11        Responsible AI and Ethical Considerations in Customer Support

12        Culture Considerations

13        Defining the Metrics that Matter in this New Era of AI

14        Utilization of AI for Operational Success

15        Evolution of Roles in Support as a Result of AI Implementation

Part IV: Gamified Learning and Future of Work in Support

16        Games, Play, and Novelty in the Age of AI

17        Leadership Excellence in the Era of AI

18        Future of Work: Navigating the AI Revolution

19        Next Steps and Conclusion



Ross Smith is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, Co-Founder of the Future World Alliance, the author of The Practical Guide to Defect Prevention and holds seven patents. He is a PhD scholar at University College Dublins SMARTLab program, focused on AI, automation, worker displacement, and the future of work. To further this effort, he is a co-founder of the Future World Alliance, a nonprofit committed to responsible AI for the next generation. He has been part of the White House Champions of Change. He has worked at Microsoft for over 30 years.

Emily McKeon is currently a Communication Director at Microsoft focused on global strategic business and executive communications designed to strengthen employee engagement and drive value for the Customer Service and Support business. Simplifying the complex is her superpower, developed over 25 years at Microsoft through a variety of roles across communications and HR disciplines. She has vast communication experience and a strong depth of knowledge in customer support, global diversity & inclusion, and employee engagement.

Mayte Cubino Gonzalez is the EMEA Director for MS Office and Project/Planner Technical Engineering Support at Microsoft, and the Site Lead and board member of Microsoft Portugal (1,700+ employees). Prior to joining Microsoft in 2021, Mayte worked for 15 years at Cisco where she held a variety of leadership and engineering roles. Her passion for people and technology has driven her to lead several Employee Resource Groups/Orgs at a regional and global level, as well as numerous award-winning initiatives in the area of Diversity and Inclusion (Disabilities, Women, STEM, Latino/Hispanic) and Employee Experience. She was recognized in 2016 with the European Disability Champion award for her work in raising awareness about hidden disabilities and workplace adjustments.
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