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Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: How to Tackle Environmental Imperatives in Company Law?

Legal and Management Perspectives - broschiert
TaschenbuchKartonierter Einband
950 Seiten
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


ZusammenfassungThe book first discusses the concepts of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility (CSR) and provides a new framework to deal with these issues in the context of sustainability. It then explores the requirements of « an end state of global sustainability » and subsequently moves to a detailed analysis of the current governance regime, delving into the CSR-related liabilities and incentives at stake for both corporations and their directors. It concludes with a framework suggesting that there are four normative avenues for addressing environmental and social imperatives in company law, which helps reflect on how to tackle the « potentiality for a sustainability gap » in corporate governance and CSR. The author always discusses practical realities and incentives, at both the policy and corporate levels, in addition to theoretical aspects. The thesis on which this book is based received the distinction « Summa Cum Laude » and the 2023 Law Faculty Prize from the University of Lausanne. Dr Christophe George is a Research Associate at the Centre for Business Research in the University of Cambridge. He holds a PhD in Company Law and Management from the University of Lausanne, a Master of Law (LLM) from the University of Cambridge, a Master in Management from Harvard University, and a Master in Law and Economics from HEC Lausanne.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Seiten950 Seiten
MasseBreite 154 mm, Höhe 228 mm, Dicke 51 mm
Gewicht1364 g


Dr Christophe George is a Research Associate at the Cambridge Centre for Business Research, specialised in CSR and ESG matters. His research lies at the intersection between the fields of company law, management, and sustainable finance. His doctoral thesis, titled Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: How to Tackle Environmental Imperatives in Company Law? (Legal and Management Perspectives) focused on the impacts and integration of environmental and social considerations in company law (Stämpfli 2023, 950 pages).
Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: How to Tackle Environmental Imperatives in Company Law?
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