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How to Live Japanese

Einband grossHow to Live Japanese
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KlappentextJapanese design, cookery, philosophy and culture is made replicable anywhere in the world through the advice here, all of which aims to contribute to a greater degree of peace of mind despite increasingly busy lifestyles.
ZusammenfassungFrom Miyazaki to mountains, sake to sparking joy, find your Zen and make time to learn about how to live Japanese. Whether it's the cutting edge of film-making, revolutionizing the whisky market or competing with parents on lunchboxes, you'll be all the better for some time spent with How to Live Japanese.

With nearly 60 per cent of us living in cities, the mega-city of Tokyo, through centuries of raze and rebuild, is surely the guiding light for how we can live together amicably in an ever-urbanising world.
Not only is Japan the mother of all metropolis' but with two thirds of the country covered in forest, there is still much respect and celebration of the natural world, with people perfectly placed to make the most of the green space around them. From the art of making tea, to going for a hike, or celebrating imperfections, there are ceremonies the Japanese have been honing for centuries that thrive alongside modern traditions and practices of well-being.
From Japanese writer, Yutaka Yazawa, this is the ultimate insider's guide to the country of Japan, full of inspiration and insight to help you experience the very best of Japanese design, cookery, philosophy, and culture. So get outdoors, be gracious to your neighbour and start harmonizing your all too busy life.

From the How To Live... series of insightful guides to some of the most intriguing cultures and locations on the planet, other books available include How To Live Icelandic, How To Live Korean and How to Live North.
EinbandartFester Einband
Seiten224 Seiten
MasseBreite 170 mm, Höhe 230 mm, Dicke 22 mm
Gewicht690 g


Areas of Japan
What Makes the Japanese
Culture, Art and Style
At the Table
Life Outside
Life Inside
Family Life and Life's Milestones
Holidays and Celebrations


Having spent university and early career years in London, Yutaka Yazawa decided to return to his childhood home of Tokyo. After a long career travelling in law, he decided to make the switch to writer. This will be his first book.
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