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Keys to College Success for Middle-East, Arabic Translation (Custom Print)

Taille reliureKeys to College Success for Middle-East, Arabic Translation (Custom Print)
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméKeys to College Success sets the standard for connecting academic success to success beyond school, showing students how to apply strategies within college, career, and life. This adapted edition retains Keys' tried-and-true emphasis on thinking skills and problem solving, re-imagined with two goals in mind: One, risk and reward framework that reflects the demands today's students face, and two, a focus on student experience specific to four-year schools with a more extensive research base and increased metacognition.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2022
Date de parution09.09.2022
Edition1. A.
DimensionsLargeur 208 mm, Hauteur 274 mm, Épaisseur 22 mm
Poids742 g
BZ n°46075335


Table des matières
1 The Rewards of College: What Are You Willing to Risk to Reach Your Goals?

2 Goals, Time, and Stress Management: What Trade-Offs Are You Willing to Make?

3 Emotional and Physical Wellness: How Healthy Are You Willing to Be?

4 Personality and Learning Preferences: Who Are You and What Makes You Unique?

5 Critical, Creative, and Practical Thinking: How Can You Maximize Brain Power?

6 Reading, Research, and Writing: How Can You Develop Deep Understanding?

7 Note Taking, Memory, and Studying: How Can You Retain What You Learn?

8 Test Taking: How Can You Show What You Know?

9 People, Resources, and Opportunities: How Can You Make the Most of College Life?

10 Plan for Career Success: What Is Your Purpose and Your Passion?

11 Mathematical and Financial Literacy: How Can You Be Money Smart?

12 Thriving in a Diverse Global Community: How Can You Communicate Effectively and Make a Difference?


(Carol Carter) . (LifeBound) . . (Huffington Post) : " " " " " " : Dollars and Sense: How To Be Smart About Money ( : ) Majoring In the Rest of Your Life: Career Secrets for College Students ( : )   Keys to Success ( ).

(Sarah Kravits) (Montclair State University) 15 . : Keys to College Success ( ) Keys to Community College Success( ) Keys to College Success Compact ( ) Keys to Effective Learning ( ) Keys to Online Learning ( ) Keys to Success Quick ( ). . (Jefferson Scholars ) .
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