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Now I Know - (IE) - 1st Edition (2019) - Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code - Level 4

Einband grossNow I Know - (IE) - 1st Edition (2019) - Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code - Level 4
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


ZusammenfassungThe Teacher's Book has:
Reduced Student Book pages with answers provide teachers at-a-glance look at the lesson
Suggestions for extra activities help teachers add extra focus to the lesson
Suggestions for differentiating activities help teachers adjust teaching to the needs of individual students
Activities focusing on 21st Century Skills highlighted in the notes indicate when the core skills are covered
Additional resources include audio scripts and answer keys
All digital activities are clearly marked with an icon making the correlation between print and digital very clear
All Teacher's Books come with access to the Pearson English Portal

The Pearson English Portal is accessible with a code provided with Student Book and provides:
Extra interactive activities students can do in their own time
Video clips that come with the Student Book for students to revisit at home
Workbook audio allowing students to do homework
Interactive homework activities assigned by the teacher, which are automatically graded by the system

EinbandartSet mit div. Artikeln
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
MasseBreite 210 mm, Höhe 297 mm, Dicke 182 mm
Gewicht917 g


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