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Making the Modern World

Materials and Dematerialization
Einband grossMaking the Modern World
BuchKartonierter Einband
242 Seiten
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextHow much further should the affluent world push its material consumption? Does relative dematerialization lead to absolute decline in demand for materials? These and many other questions are discussed and answered in Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization.Over the course of time, the modern world has become dependent on unprecedented flows of materials. Now even the most efficient production processes and the highest practical rates of recycling may not be enough to result in dematerialization rates that would be high enough to negate the rising demand for materials generated by continuing population growth and rising standards of living. This book explores the costs of this dependence and the potential for substantial dematerialization of modern economies.Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization considers the principal materials used throughout history, from wood and stone, through to metals, alloys, plastics, and silicon, describing their extraction and production as well as their dominant applications. The evolving productivities of material extraction, processing, synthesis, finishing, and distribution, and the energy costs and environmental impact of rising material consumption are examined in detail. The book concludes with an outlook for the future, discussing the prospects for dematerialization and potential constraints on materials.This interdisciplinary text will provide useful perspectives for readers with backgrounds including resource economics, environmental studies, energy analysis, mineral geology, industrial organization, manufacturing, and material science.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Auflage1. Auflage
Seiten242 Seiten
MasseBreite 170 mm, Höhe 243 mm, Dicke 16 mm
Gewicht500 g


Preface: Why and How ix1. What Gets Included 12. How We Got Here 72.1 Materials Used by Organisms 82.2 Materials in Prehistory 112.3 Ancient and Medieval Materials 152.4 Materials in the Early Modern Era 222.5 Creating Modern Material Civilization 272.6 Materials in the Twentieth Century 343. What Matters Most 453.1 Biomaterials 463.2 Construction Materials 523.3 Metals 573.4 Plastics 623.5 Industrial Gases 653.6 Fertilizers 703.7 Materials in Electronics 724. How the Materials Flow 774.1 Material Flow Accounts 794.2 America's Material Flows 834.3 European Balances 874.4 Materials in China's Modernization 904.5 Energy Cost of Materials 944.6 Life-Cycle Assessments 1034.7 Recycling 1115. Are We Dematerializing? 1195.1 Apparent Dematerializations 1205.2 Relative Dematerializations: Specific Weight Reductions 1225.3 Consequences of Dematerialization 1295.4 Relative Dematerialization in Modern Economies 1375.5 Declining Energy Intensities 1435.6 Decarbonization and Desulfurization 1506. Material Outlook 1576.1 Natural Resources 1586.2 Wasting Less 1656.3 New Materials and Dematerialization 1686.4 Chances of Fundamental Departures 173Appendix A Units and Unit Multiples 181Appendix B US Material Production, GDP and Population, 1900-2005 183Appendix C Global Population, Economic Product, and Production of Food, Major Materials, and Fuels 1900-2010 185Appendix D Global Energy Cost of Major Materials in 2010 187Appendix E 189References 191Index 223mehr


VACLAV SMIL, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Manitoba, Canada
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