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Cambridge English First 1. Student's Book with Answers

for Revised Exam from 2015
Einband grossCambridge English First 1. Student's Book with Answers
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextFour authentic Cambridge English Language Assessment examination papers for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam from 2015. These authentic examination papers provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the content and format of the updated Cambridge English: First (FCE) examination and to practise examination techniques. Visual material for the Speaking paper is included with each test, enabling students to prepare thoroughly for the interview. The 'with answers' edition includes guidance on the interview as well as answer keys, tapescripts and model compositions. The accompanying Audio CDs, available separately, contains the recorded material for the aural component of the exam.
ZusammenfassungFour authentic Cambridge English Language Assessment examination papers for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam from 2015
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Auflage20. Dr.
Seiten188 Seiten
MasseBreite 192 mm, Höhe 248 mm, Dicke 14 mm
Gewicht386 g
Illustrationens/w., farb Abb., Fotos
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