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Skillful Level 3 Reading & Writing Digital Student's Book Pack

Level 3 - mit Digibook Download-Code
Taille reliureSkillful Level 3 Reading & Writing Digital Student's Book Pack
8.1 % TVA incluse


RésuméThe Digital Student s Book Pack is a digital version of the print Student s Book with embedded video, audio and interactive activities. Activities are automatically checked and the results are saved in the Gradebook. The Digital Student s Book Pack gives access to the Digital Student s Book and the Student s Resource Center.
Type de produitLivre
Année de parution2016
BZ n°23169571


Written by: Stacey H. Hughes has been involved in TESOL either in teaching, training or writing since 1992. She has taught young learners, teens and adults in a variety of contexts and countries and is currently teaching English for Academic purposes at Oxford Brookes University. Lara Storton. Series Consultant: Dorothy Zemach now concentrates on writing and editing ELT materials and conducting teacher training workshops. Her areas of speciality and interest are teaching writing, teaching reading, business English, academic English, testing.
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