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How Brands Grow 2 Revised Edition

Including Emerging Markets, Services, Durables, B2B and Luxury Brands
Einband grossHow Brands Grow 2 Revised Edition
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextHow Brands Grow Part 2 is about the fundamentals of buying behaviours and brand performance fundamentals that provide a consistent roadmap for brand growth, and improved marketing productivity. This revised edition includes updates to all chapters and the addition of a new chapter, 'Getting Down to Business-to-Business Markets'.
EinbandartFester Einband
Seiten256 Seiten
MasseBreite 162 mm, Höhe 235 mm, Dicke 18 mm
Gewicht520 g


1. How Brands Grow (updated, with B2B content removed)

2. Target the (Whole) Market (updated, with B2B content removed)

3. Where New Customers Come From (updated, with B2B content removed)

4. Building Mental Availability (updated)

5. Leveraging Distinctive Assets (updated)

6. Achieving Reach (updated)

7. Word-of-mouth Facts Worth Talking About (updated)

8. Building Physical Availability Part 1 (updated introduction and new focus on presence)

9. Building Physical Availability Part 2 (updated with new focus on prominence and portfolio)

10. New Brands and Acquiring New Buyers (updated)

11. Getting Down to Business-to-Business Markets (new chapter)

12. And Finally, a Bit of Luxury (updated)


Professor Jenni Romaniuk is Associate Director (International) of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia. Jenni is author is Building Distinctive Brand Assets and developers of the Distinctive Assets Grid. She is a pioneer in mental availability measurements and metrics, as well as identification and use of category entry points. Jenni is a past executive editor of the Journal of Advertising Research, and now sits on the Journals Senior Advisory Board.Professor Byron Sharp is Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia. Byrons international bestseller How Brands Grow has sold over 120,000 copies and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. He has published over 100 academic papers and is on the editorial board of five journals. With Professor Jerry Wind, he hosted two conferences at the Wharton Business School on the laws of advertising, and co-edited two special issues of the Journal of Advertising Research.
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