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Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming

Taille reliureRapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt: The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming
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KlappentextThe Insider's Best-Practice Guide to Rapid PyQt 4 GUI Development
Whether you're building GUI prototypes or full-fledged cross-platform GUI applications with native look-and-feel, PyQt 4 is your fastest, easiest, most powerful solution. Qt expert Mark Summerfield has written the definitive best-practice guide to PyQt 4 development.

With Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt you'll learn how to build efficient GUI applications that run on all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and many versions of Unix, using the same source code for all of them. Summerfield systematically introduces every core GUI development technique: from dialogs and windows to data handling; from events to printing; and more. Through the book's realistic examples you'll discover a completely new PyQt 4-based programming approach, as well as coverage of many new topics, from PyQt 4's rich text engine to advanced model/view and graphics/view programming. Every key concept is illuminated with realistic, downloadable examplesall tested on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux with Python 2.5, Qt 4.2, and PyQt 4.2, and on Windows and Linux with Qt 4.3 and PyQt 4.3.

Coverge includes
Python basics for every PyQt developer: data types, data structures, control structures, classes, modules, and more
Core PyQt GUI programming techniques: dialogs, main windows, and custom file formats
Using Qt Designer to design user interfaces, and to implement and test dialogs, events, the Clipboard, and drag-and-drop
Building custom widgets: Widget Style Sheets, composite widgets, subclassing, and more
Making the most of Qt 4.2's new graphics/view architecture
Connecting to databases, executing SQL queries, and using form and table views
Advanced model/view programming: custom views, generic delegates, and more
Implementing online help, internationalizing applications, and using PyQt's networking and multithreading facilities
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Seiten648 Seiten
MasseBreite 185 mm, Höhe 230 mm, Dicke 43 mm
Gewicht1006 g


Part I: Python Programming
Chapter 1. Data Types and Data Structures
Executing Python Code
Variables and Objects
Numbers and Strings
Built-in Functions
Chapter 2. Control Structures
Conditional Branching
Exception Handling
Chapter 3. Classes and Modules
Creating Instances
Methods and Special Methods
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Modules and Multifile Applications
Part II: Basic GUI Programming
Chapter 4. Introduction to GUI Programming
A Pop-Up Alert in 25 Lines
An Expression Evaluator in 30 Lines
A Currency Converter in 70 Lines
Signals and Slots
Chapter 5. Dialogs
Dumb Dialogs
Standard Dialogs
Smart Dialogs
Chapter 6. Main Windows
Creating a Main Window
Handling User Actions
Chapter 7. Using Qt Designer
Designing User Interfaces
Implementing Dialogs
Testing Dialogs
Chapter 8. Data Handling and Custom File Formats
Main Window Responsibilities
Data Container Responsibilities
Saving and Loading Binary Files
Saving and Loading Text Files
Saving and Loading XML Files
Part III: Intermediate GUI Programming
Chapter 9. Layouts and Multiple Documents
Layout Policies
Tab Widgets and Stacked Widgets
Single Document Interface(SDI)
Multiple Document Interface(MDI)
Chapter 10. Events, the Clipboard, and Drag and Drop
The Event-Handling Mechanism
Re-implementing Event Handlers
Using the Clipboard
Drag and Drop
Chapter 11. Custom Widgets
Using Widget Style Sheets
Creating Composite Widgets
Subclassing Built-in Widgets
Subclassing QWidget
Chapter 12. Item-Based Graphics
Custom and Interactive Graphics Items
Animation and Complex Shapes
Chapter 13. Rich Text and Printing
Rich Text Editing
Printing Documents
Chapter 14. Model/View Programming
Using the Convenience Item Widgets
Creating Custom Models
Creating Custom Delegates
Chapter 15. Databases
Connecting to the Database
Executing SQL Queries
Using Database Form Views
Using Database Table Views
Part IV: Advanced GUI Programming
Chapter 16. Advanced Model/View Programming
Custom Views
Generic Delegates
Representing Tabular Data in Trees
Chapter 17. Online Help and Internationalization
Online Help
Chapter 18. Networking
Creating a TCP Client
Creating a TCP Server
Chapter 19. Multithreading
Creating a Threaded Server
Creating and Managing Secondary Threads


Mark Summerfield works as an independent trainer and consultant specializing in C++, Qt, Python, and PyQt. He was Trolltech's documentation manager from 2000 to 2004, was the founding editor of Qt Quarterly, Trolltech's customer newsletter, and coauthored C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3 and C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4.
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