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Riding More with Less

A Future for Bike Repair
Taille reliureRiding More with Less
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RésuméRiding More with Less is the bike repair manual for everyone else.

Pulling away from the obsolescence and disposability so often implied within consumer economies, the book surveys experienced community bike shop mechanics worldwide to identify the best and safest repair solutions when new parts are not an option. For those already familiar with the finer arts of bicycle preservation, Riding More with Less aligns the most useful technical references within a well-organized compilation of the most effective low-cost and for-free repair techniques. And for the uninitiated, the book includes an overview of the community bike shops many readers may find in their own neighborhoods, where many begin to discover real alternatives.

Presented in a compact and info-rich writing style, the technical discussion within Riding More with Less goes beyond identifying innovative techniques for fixing bikes with little or no money to demonstrate just how common these approaches really are. Most cyclists globally do not ride expensive or even modern ones, after all, and from this perspective the option of new repair parts might even be exceptional, rather than normative. Moreover, the Covid pandemic underlines how supply chain disruptions beyond our control can lead larger numbers of people towards reusing salvageable bike parts and other creative solutions.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationÉtats-Unis
Année de parution2023
Date de parution23.01.2024
Pages272 pages
BZ n°44215725


Table des matières
I. Tools
II. Frames & Forks
III. Headsets
IV. Stems
V. Handlebars
VI. Wheels
VII. Tires & Inner Tubes
VIII. Hubs
IX. Saddles & Seatposts
X. Control Cables
XI. Brakes
XII. Drivetrains
XIII. Rust
XIV. A Future for Bike Repair


Sam Tracy began working as a bike mechanic in 1993 at Wheel and Sprocket in Milwaukee, WI. After earning a BA in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin he moved to Arcata, CA to serve as managing editor of the Auto-Free Times. From there he moved to Minneapolis to develop and refine safe and effective low-cost repair techniques. He also immersed himself in the experimental DIY frame-building culture around recumbents for which the 'bent riders are known. He is the author of Roadside Bicycle Repair: A Pocket Manifesto; How to Rock and Roll: A City Rider's Repair Manual; and Bicycle! A Repair & Maintenance Manifesto. He and his wife have in recent years cycled through Riga, Latvia; Georgetown, Guyana; Washington, D.C., Pretoria, South Africa; and Montevideo, Uruguay.
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