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The Nature of Swimming

Unique Bathing Locations and Swimming Experiences
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméDive deep into that age-old habit humans have carried over centuries-the ever-tranquil act of bathing in nature.
Whether in oceans or lakes, streams, or rivers; humans have been drawn to water and the unique bathing opportunities it offers. This title celebrates our connection with water, focusing on outdoor bathing locations around the world. From spots nature created expertly herself to places designed by humans to harness rugged and remote surroundings, this book examines in detail the long-standing relationship between humans and outdoor bathing in a way sure to charm the inner bather in us all.
Texte supplémentaire"Der Mensch sehnt sich danach, einzutauchen: In Infinitypools oder Salzwasserbecken. Am besten in Gemeinschaft und an herrlichen Orten. Eine Meditation über die Lust am Schwimmen und Planschen." - Tagesspiegel
Type de produitLivre
Pays de publicationAllemagne
Année de parution2024
Date de parution16.04.2024
Pages256 pages
DimensionsLargeur 210 mm, Hauteur 260 mm, Épaisseur 32 mm
Poids1385 g
Id-produit de l'éditeur4102
BZ n°45539561


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