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Healthy in Seven Days

Success through vitamin D treatment. A practical guide - 14 - 100 J., PB
TaschenbuchKartonierter Einband
112 Seiten
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextVitamin D deficiency is very common, and is the cause of numerous diseases. A severe deficiency can lead to cramps, muscle twitches and muscle pain, restlessness, sleeping disorders and depression, exhaustion, debility, back pain and headaches, cold hands and feet, and circulatory problems.
These symptoms and complaints can often be rapidly improved and permanently cured.

If a vitamin D deficiency remains untreated for a long time, this increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis and cancer. To avoid this, it is important to maintain optimum vitamin D levels all year round.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Seiten112 Seiten
MasseBreite 127 mm, Höhe 190 mm, Dicke 7 mm


ContentsForewordA surprise after twenty years as a doctorSymptoms of vitamin D deficiencyTypical complaints caused by a vitamin D deficiencyCase studiesNormal, natural, optimum vitamin D levelsCalculating vitamin D levelsVitamin D treatmentVitamin D content in foodCorrect sunbathing with high gain of vitamin DConcerns over vitamin DRapid improvement in dysautonomia through vitamin DLiteratureIndexmehr
ForewordIn his book Healthy in Seven Days, Dr. Raimund von Helden examines the use of Vitamin D to treat many illnesses. The MANOS concept (Muscles, Adynamia, Nervous system, Orthostasis, Skeletal damage) covers the main symptoms of acute vitamin D deficiency. The book contains many informative case studies, showing how these complaints and illnesses can be permanently remedied by eliminating the cause.Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread issue nowadays, and one of the main causes of disease in many patients. Science has shown that an optimum vitamin D level is over 40 ng/ml. The risk of infections, heart disease and cancer drops significantly in this range, while life expectancy increases.Anyone wanting to regain health, joie de vivre and creativeness, and maintain these in old age, should heed the information presented in this book.William B. Grant, Ph.D. - San Francisco, June 2011Author of of more than 180 scientific articles on vitamin D, and the founding director of the Sunlight, Nutrition And Health Research Center - www.sunarc.orgmehr


About the authorDr. med. Raimund von Helden has been a doctor since 1984 - and has worked at a joint practice for general medicine in Lennestadt (Germany) since 1991. In this book, he reports on his successes in treating acute vitamin D deficiency, and on the importance of vitamin D for restoring and preserving our health. The author looks forward to hearing readers responses, and welcomes suggestions and criticism. He can be contacted at
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