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The study of rhythms and technology

The Evertible Cube. Polysomatic Form-Finding - Die Welt ist umstülpbar, GB
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RésuméThe world can be turned inside out. The world has rhythm. This perspective of wood sculptor, technician and inventor Paul Schatz offers whole new viewpoints. He succeeded in creating a technology which brings the laws and rhythms of nature in line. Schatz's journey of discovery leads to stunning developments in design, in the perception of the geometric and architectural space, and to a new art of mechanical engineering.Oloids and cuboids are forms that are intriguing in their beauty. Turbula and Inversina mixers are used for industrial purposes while the oloid has proved very useful in water and environmental engineering.The book presents a life's work that hasn't suffered a loss of currency. The Study of Rhythms and Technology bridges the gap between art and natural sciences and offers inspiration for the work of philosophers and practitioners alike.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureLivre
Année de parution2013
Pages156 pages
DimensionsLargeur 204 mm, Hauteur 265 mm, Épaisseur 15 mm
Poids636 g
Illustrationsüber 200 Abbildungen
BZ n°14813960


Raised in the city of Constance at Lake Constance, Paul Schatz (1898-1979) studied Mathematics, Mechanical engineering and Astronomy in Munich. He then attended the wood sculpting school in Warmbrunn and afterwards returned to live at Lake Constance as an artist. In 1927 he moved to Dornach and studied Anthroposophy. He immediately began researching, inventing and developing machines, and discovered the eversible cube.
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