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Basel's Hidden Stories

A Child's Active Guide to Basel's Old Town - Ab 7 J., PB
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméSet children on the tracks of Basel's best ghosts and monsters with this thrilling tour of Basel's old town. Six stories lead through the narrow alleys to a basilisk, a magic swan, a medieval duel and much more, while engaging maps feature what still remains of the old city. Accompanying activities give kids a chance to add their own creativity to the fun.So take this book an head to Basel's streets - all you need is a pencil. Have fun!
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2019
Date de parution21.10.2019
Edition2. A.
Pages48 pages
DimensionsLargeur 240 mm, Hauteur 315 mm, Épaisseur 6 mm
Poids277 g
Illustrationsdurchgehend farbig bebildert, farbige Illustrationen
BZ n°31290933


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