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Taille reliureMacroeconomics
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméReally a fantastic overview of the financial crisis

Fabian Kreutzer, University of Applied Science Niederrhein, Germany


Extensive references to and content regarding crises. It´s really amazing

Yioryos Georgios Makedonis, Queen Mary University of London


Using real-world case studies and examples, this comprehensive text offers intermediate and applied macroeconomics students a truly European and global perspective. Continuing to successfully combine theory with application, Macroeconomics has been fully updated in this fifth edition to keep students up-to-date with the ever changing macroeconomic environment we are experiencing today.


This book presents macroeconomics as an applied science designed to improve our understanding of current and past policy issues.

The unique mix of theory, analysis and policy issues takes students from macroeconomic basics to cutting-edge research topics

Includes case studies addressing major policy issues in detail, supported by a wealth of economic data 

Moves beyond standard intermediate macroeconomics content by discussing liquidity traps, quantitative easing, price bubbles, multiple equilibria, self-fulfilling prophecy, ratings agencies, debt brakes and austerity

Self quizzes, road map, glossary and other content also available for mobile devices

Visit for a comprehensive companion website featuring interactive macroeconomic models equipped with guided exercises, state of the art data display and analysis, quizzes and more.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2016
Date de parution13.05.2016
Edition5. A.
Pages592 pages
DimensionsLargeur 191 mm, Hauteur 244 mm, Épaisseur 26 mm
Poids1000 g
BZ n°18523613


Table des matières
1 Macroeconomic essentials
2 Booms and recessions (I): the Keynesian cross
3 Money, interest rates and the global economy
4 Exchange rates and the balance of payments
5 Booms and recessions (II): the national economy
6 Enter aggregate supply
7 Booms and recessions (III): aggregate supply and demand
8 Booms and recessions (IV): dynamic aggregate supply and demand 
9 Economic growth (I): basics
10 Economic growth (II): advanced issues
11 Endogenous economic policy
12 The European Monetary System and the Eurozone at work
13 Inflation and central bank independence
14 Budget deficits and public debt
15 A closer look at economic crises
16 Sticky prices and sticky information:
17 Real business cycles: new perspectives on booms and recessions (II)
Appendix A: A primer in econometrics
Appendix B: Glossary
Appendix C: Economics Nobel Prize winners and earlier giants


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