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Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Taille reliureDiscrete Mathematics and Its Applications
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméRosen's Discrete Mathematics and its Applications presents a precise, relevant, comprehensive approach to mathematical concepts. This world-renowned best-selling text was written to accommodate the needs across a variety of majors and departments, including mathematics, computer science, and engineering. As the market leader, the book is highly flexible, comprehensive and a proven pedagogical teaching tool for instructors. Digital is becoming increasingly important and gaining popularity, crowning Connect as the digital leader for this discipline.

McGraw-Hill Education's Connect, available as an optional add on item, is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it and how they need it - ensuring class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers and may also have a "multi-step solution" which helps move the students' learning along if they experience difficulty.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
Année de parution2018
Edition8th edition
Pages942 pages
DimensionsLargeur 217 mm, Hauteur 265 mm, Épaisseur 39 mm
Poids2101 g
BZ n°28042826


Table des matières
1) The Foundations: Logic and Proofs

2) Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, Matrices

3) Algorithms

4) Number Theory and Cryptography

5) Induction and Recursion

6) Counting

7) Discrete Probability

8) Advanced Counting Techniques

9) Relations

10) Graphs

11) Trees

12) Boolean Algebra

13) Modeling Computation



Ken Rosen (Middletown, NJ) is a distinguished member of the technical staff at AT & T Labs.
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