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Uncertain Futures

How to Unlock the Climate Impasse
Taille reliureUncertain Futures
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


Résumé"Why is it hard to solve the climate crisis, and what can we do? This book answers these questions, which are of interest to the public, academics, and businesspeople. Using stories from the front lines of the energy transition, we show how to unlock the climate impasse"--
Type de produitLivre
Année de parution2023
Date de parution20.07.2023
IllustrationsWorked examples or Exercises
BZ n°44018808


Table des matières
1. Introduction; 2. Problems and solutions; 3. Asking people, communities and companies; 4. Opportunity knocks?; 5. Making government policy credible; 6. Bargaining for the future; 7. Making workforce programs work; 8. Green jobs under the spotlight; 9.
Using stories from the front lines of the energy transition, this book shows how to unlock the climate


Alexander F. Gazmararian is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University, where he is researching how to unlock the climate impasse. He is currently writing a book with Helen Milner about how global warming will reshape politics.
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