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The Agony of Eros

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RésuméAn argument that love requires the courage to accept self-negation for the sake of discovering the Other.
Byung-Chul Han is one of the most widely read philosophers in Europe today, a member of the new generation of German thinkers that includes Markus Gabriel and Armen Avanessian. In The Agony of Eros, a bestseller in Germany, Han considers the threat to love and desire in today's society. For Han, love requires the courage to accept self-negation for the sake of discovering the Other. In a world of fetishized individualism and technologically mediated social interaction, it is the Other that is eradicated, not the self. In today's increasingly narcissistic society, we have come to look for love and desire within the "inferno of the same.

Han offers a survey of the threats to Eros, drawing on a wide range of sourcesLars von Trier's film Melancholia, Wagner's Tristan und Isolde, Fifty Shades of Grey, Michel Foucault (providing a scathing critique of Foucault's valorization of power), Martin Buber, Hegel, Baudrillard, Flaubert, Barthes, Plato, and others. Han considers the "pornographication of society, and shows how pornography profanes eros; addresses capitalism's leveling of essential differences; and discusses the politics of eros in today's "burnout society. To be dead to love, Han argues, is to be dead to thought itself.

Concise in its expression but unsparing in its insight, The Agony of Eros is an important and provocative entry in Han's ongoing analysis of contemporary society.

This remarkable essay, an intellectual experience of the first order, affords one of the best ways to gain full awareness of and join in one of the most pressing struggles of the day: the defense, that is to sayas Rimbaud desired itthe "reinvention of love.from the foreword by Alain Badiou
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationÉtats-Unis
Année de parution2017
Date de parution07.04.2017
Mise en vente07.04.2017
No. de série01
Pages88 pages
DimensionsLargeur 113 mm, Hauteur 177 mm, Épaisseur 9 mm
Poids84 g
BZ n°20734544


Byung-Chul Han; foreword by Alain Badiou; translated by Erik Butler
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