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The Man in the High Castle

Taille reliureThe Man in the High Castle
2.6 % TVA incluse


Résumé'Truth, she thought. As terrible as death. But harder to find.'

America, fifteen years after the end of the Second World War. The winning Axis powers have divided their spoils: the Nazis control New York, while California is ruled by the Japanese. But between these two states - locked in a cold war - lies a neutal buffer zone in which legendary author Hawthorne Abendsen is rumoured to live. Abendsen lives in fear of his life for he has written a book in which World War Two was won by the Allies. . .
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2014
Date de parution14.08.2014
Pages256 pages
DimensionsLargeur 111 mm, Hauteur 180 mm, Épaisseur 15 mm
Poids146 g
BZ n°14996606


Philip Kindred Dick (1928-82) was born in Chicago, but lived most of his life in California. His career as a science fiction writer comprised an early burst of short stories followed by a stream of novels, typically incorporating androids, drugs, and hallucinations. His most famous books include The Man in the High Castle, A Scanner Darkly and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the inspiration for the movie Blade Runner.
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