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Edinburgh Like a Local

By the People Who Call It Home
Taille reliureEdinburgh Like a Local
2.6 % TVA incluse


KlappentextThis isn't your ordinary travel guide. Beyond Edinburgh's iconic arts festival and hilltop castle are beautifully curated galleries, haunted alcoves, and secret distilleries in old railway buildings - and that's where this book takes you. 

Turn the pages to discover:

The small businesses and community strongholds that add character to this vibrant city, recommended by true locals
6 themed walking tours dedicated to specific experiences such as thrift store shopping and gin tasting
A beautiful gift book for anyone seeking to explore Edinburgh
Helpful what3word addresses so that you can pinpoint all the listed sights
A range of sights and establishments that will take you well beyond the beaten path

Compiled by four proud Edinburgh residents, this stylish travel guide is packed with Edinburgh's best experiences and secret spots, handily categorized to suit your mood, whether you're a restless Edinburger on the hunt for a new hangout or a visitor keen to discover a side you won't find in traditional guidebooks, Edinburgh Like A Local will give you all the inspiration you need.

Looking for another guide to Edinburgh? Explore further with our DK Eyewitness or Top 10 guides to Scotland.
EinbandartFester Einband
Seiten192 Seiten
MasseBreite 135 mm, Höhe 185 mm, Dicke 17 mm
Gewicht308 g


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