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Taille reliureiOS 8 for Programmers
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Résumé&>iOS 8® for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach teaches iOS 8 app development using Swift. It focuses on those Swift language features needed to develop the seven complete iOS 8 apps in the book. While studying the iOS8 and Swift programming interfaces, students learn to build seven complete Apps. These include the Tip Calculator App, the Twitter Searches App, a game called the Flag Quiz App, another game called the Cannon Game App, a drawing app called Doodlz, and a very handy Address Book App.

An of Swift for Programmers and iOS 8 for Programmers is also available, ISBN 9780134087757. The bundle includes two print books and access to the companion websites, which include self-review questions (with answers), short answer questions, programming exercises, programming projects and selected videos.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2014
Edition3. A.
Pages450 pages
DimensionsLargeur 176 mm, Hauteur 231 mm, Épaisseur 26 mm
Poids632 g
Id-produit de l'éditeur96526PH2
BZ n°16427961


Table des matières
Preface   xix

Before You Begin   xxvii


Chapter 1: Introduction to iOS 8 App Development and Swift   1

1.1   Introduction   2

1.2   iPhone and iPad Sales Data   3

1.3   Gestures   4

1.4   Sensors   5

1.5   Accessibility   6

1.6   iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus   7

1.7   iOS Operating System History and Features   8

1.8   iOS 8   16

1.9   Apple Watch   18

1.10 App Store   19

1.11 Objective-C   20

1.12 Swift: Apple's Programming Language of the Future   20

1.13 Can I Use Swift Exclusively?   24

1.14 Cocoa Touch® iOS Frameworks   25

1.15 Xcode 6® Integrated Development Environment   31

1.16 Object Oriented-Programming Review   33

1.17 Test-Driving the Tip Calculator App in the iPhone and iPad Simulators   36

1.18 What Makes a Great App?   38

1.19 iOS Security   40

1.20 iOS Publications and Forums   41

1.21 Wrap-Up   42


Chapter 2: Welcome App    43

Dive-Into® Xcode: Introducing Visual User Interface Design with Cocoa Touch, Interface Builder, Storyboarding and Auto Layout, Universal Apps, Accessibility, Internationalization

2.1 Introduction   44

2.2 Technologies Overview   45

2.3 Creating a Universal App Project with Xcode   46

2.4 Xcode Workspace Window   49

2.5 Storyboarding the Welcome App's UI   52

2.6 Running the Welcome App   64

2.7 Making Your App Accessible   67

2.8 Internationalizing Your App   69

2.9 Wrap-Up   74


Chapter 3: Tip Calculator App   75

Introducing Swift, Text Fields, Sliders, Outlets, Actions, View Controllers, Event Handling, NSDecimalNumber, NSNumberFormatter and Automatic Reference Counting

3.1 Introduction   76

3.2 Technologies Overview   77

3.3 Building the App's UI   85

3.4 Creating Outlets with Interface Builder   96

3.5 Creating Actions with Interface Builder   99

3.6 Class ViewController   100

3.7 Wrap-Up   109


Chapter 4: Twitter® Searches App   111

Master-Detail Applications, Split View Controllers, Navigation Controllers, Storyboard Segues, Social Framework Sharing, User Defaults, iCloud KeyValue Storage, Collections, Web Views, Alert Dialogs

4.1 Introduction   112

4.2 Test-Driving the App   113

4.3 Technologies Overview   120

4.4 Building the App's UI   128

4.5 Class Model   131

4.6 Class MasterViewController   141

4.7 Class DetailViewController   154

4.8 Wrap-Up   157


Chapter 5: Flag Quiz App   158

UISegmentedControls, UISwitches, Outlet Collections, View Animations, UINavigationController, Segues, NSBundle, Scheduling Tasks with Grand Central Dispatch

5.1 Introduction   159

5.2 Test-Driving the Flag Quiz App   161

5.3 Technologies Overview   165

5.4 Building the GUI   170

5.5 Model Class   178

5.6 QuizViewController Class   184

5.7 SettingsViewController Class   193

5.8 Wrap-Up   196


Chapter 6: Cannon Game App   198

Xcode Game Template, SpriteKit, Animation, Graphics, Sound, Physics, Collision Detection, Scene Transitions, Listening for Touches

6.1   Introduction   199

6.2   Test-Driving the Cannon Game App   202

6.3   Technologies Overview   203

6.4   Creating the Project and Classes   209

6.5   Class GameViewController   211

6.6   Class Blocker   213

6.7   Class Target   218

6.8   Class Cannon   221

6.9   Class GameScene   226

6.10 Class GameOverScene   235

6.11 Programmatic Internationalization   237

6.12 Wrap-Up   240


Chapter 7: Doodlz App   242

Multi-Touch Event Handling, Graphics, UIBezierPaths, Drawing with a Custom UIView Subclass, UIToolbar, UIBarButtonItem, Accelerometer Sensor and Motion Event Handling

7.1   Introduction   243

7.2   Test-Driving the Doodlz App   244

7.3   Technologies Overview   249

7.4   Building the App's UI and Adding Its Custom Classes   251

7.5   ViewController Class   257

7.6   Squiggle Class   261

7.7   DoodleView Class   262

7.8   ColorViewController Class   267

7.9   StrokeViewController Class   269

7.10 Wrap-Up   271


Chapter 8: Address Book App   273

Core Data Framework, Master-Detail Template with Core Data Support, Xcode Data Model Editor, UITableView with Static Cells, Programmatically Scrolling UITableViews

8.1   Introduction   274

8.2   Test-Driving the Address Book App   276

8.3   Technologies Overview   279

8.4   Creating the Project and Configuring the Data Model   282

8.5   Building the GUI   285

8.6   MasterViewController Class   288

8.7   DetailViewController Class   299

8.8   AddEditTableViewController Class   303

8.9   AppDelegate Class   309

8.10 Wrap-Up   311


Chapter 9: App Store and App Business Issues   312

Introducing the iOS Developer Program and iTunes® Connect

9.1   Introduction   313

9.2   iOS Developer Program: Setting Up Your Profile for Testing and Submitting Apps   313

9.3   iOS Human Interface Guidelines   317

9.4   Preparing Your App for Submission through iTunes Connect   318

9.5   Pricing Your App: Fee or Free   321

9.6   Monetizing Apps   324

9.7   Managing Your Apps with iTunes Connect   327

9.8   Information You'll Need for iTunes Connect   328

9.9   iTunes Connect Developer Guide: Steps for Submitting Your App to Apple   330

9.10 Marketing Your App   331

9.11 Other Popular Mobile App Platforms   336

9.12 Tools for Multiple-Platform App Development   336

9.13 Wrap-Up   337


Index 339



Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, and Abbey Deitel are from Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally recognized programming languages authoring and corporatetraining organization. Millions of people worldwide have used Deitel books, LiveLessons video training and online resource centers to master iOS® app development, Swift, Java, C++, Android app development, C#, .NET, Visual C++®, C, Internet and web programming, JavaScript®, XML, Perl®, Python, PHP and more.

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