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The Female Search for Love
Taille reliureCommunion
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RésuméRenowned visionary and theorist bell hooks began her exploration of the meaning of love in American culture with the critically acclaimed All About Love: New Visions. She continued her national dialogue with the bestselling Salvation: Black People and Love. Now hooks culminates her triumphant trilogy of love with Communion: The Female Search for Love.

Intimate, revealing, provocative, Communion challenges every female to courageously claim the search for love as the heroic journey we must all chose to be truly free. In Communion, hooks, one of our most revered and acute social critics, answers all our questions about the place of love in a woman's life. In her trademark commanding and lucid language, hooks explores the ways ideas about women and love were changed by feminist movement, by our full participation in the workforce, and by the culture of self-help. Her penetrating words silence our fears about becoming women who love too much, yet they also challenge us. Her words stir us to devote as much of ourselves to love, to loving our partners, our bodies, our pasts, our parents, as we do our careers and our independence.

In chapters as personal and prescriptive as bell is passionate and provoking, Communion guides us toward the path that leads to true fulfillment. This work exposes our fears, hopes, and longing, all the while addressing the powerful insight that women who cannot love can never really grow up. In Communion, hooks celebrates the experiences of women over thirty, shares collective wisdom, and bestows on us the lessons learned as we practice the art of loving. Communion is the heart-to-heart talk every woman needs to have. And this conversation guides us--mothers, daughters, friends, and lovers -- on one of our most life-affirming journeys.
RésuméWhen truth teller and careful writer bell hooks offers a book, I like to be standing at the bookshop when it opens. Maya Angelou

Renowned visionary bell hooks explored the meaning of love in American culture with the critically acclaimed bestseller All About Love: New Visions. She continued her national dialogue with the bestselling Salvation: Black People and Love. Now hooks culminates her triumphant trilogy of love with Communion: The Female Search for Love.

Intimate, revealing, provocative, Communion challenges every woman to courageously claim the search for love as the heroic journey we must all choose to be truly free. In her trademark commanding and lucid language, hooks explores the ways ideas about women and love were changed by the feminist movement, by women's full participation in the workforce, and by the culture of self-help, and reveals how women of all ages can bring love into every aspect of their lives, for all the years of their lives.

Communion is the heart-to-heart talk every woman -- mother, daughter, friend, and lover -- needs to have.
Type de produitLivre
Année de parution2002
Date de parution22.01.2002
Pages272 pages
BZ n°38352473


bell hooks was an influential cultural critic, feminist theorist, and writer. Celebrated as one of America's leading public intellectuals, she was a charismatic speaker and writer who taught and lectured around the world. Previously a professor in the English departments at Yale University and Oberlin College, hooks was the author of more than 17 books, including the New York Times bestseller All About Love: New Visions; Salvation: Black People and Love; Communion: the Female Search for Love, as well as the landmark memoir  Bone Black: Memories of Girlhood.
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