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WG:77* W:swissness SP:eng

59 Ergebnisse

Estate Planning

Switzerland Business & Investment Handbook

Swiss Foundation Law

The Regulation of Deposit Guarantee Schemes in Switzerland and the United States

International Arbitration in Switzerland

International and Domestic Arbitration in Switzerland

The Judical Concept of Tax Avoidance in Switzerland

Swiss Company Law

The Practitioner's Guide to the new Swiss Financial Services Act and Financial Institutions Act

Enforcement in Switzerland

The Influence of the IFRS on the Financial Management Duties of the Board of Directors under Swiss Law

Switzerland and the European Union - The implications of the institutional framework and the right of free movement for the mutual recognition of professional qualifications

Pricing for sustainability: Analysing the demand-side steering effect of a flight ticket levy

Swiss Case Law in International Arbitration (PrintPlu§)

The Carriage of Goods in Swiss Law

Sharia Compliant Financial Products under Swiss Law

Transportation Law on the Move

The SIX Swiss Exchange Listing Rules

Principles of Federalism. Guidelines for Good Federal Practices - a Swiss contribution

Selected Papers on International Arbitration

Rethinking Reserves in the Swiss Code of Obligations

Selected Papers on International Arbitration

Swiss Civil Code I

Harmonising Anti-Corruption Compliance

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