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V:Staempfli WG:77* SP:eng

105 Ergebnisse

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: How to Tackle Environmental Imperatives in Company Law?

International and Domestic Arbitration in Switzerland

Purpose in Corporate Governance

Labour Law in Switzerland

Enforcement in Switzerland

A Civil Lawyer's Introduction to Anglo-American Law: Torts

Circular Economy

Selected Papers on International Arbitration

The Carriage of Goods in Swiss Law

Paving the Way for the Protection of Human Rights in Sports

Swiss Foundation Code 2021

Selected Papers on International Arbitration

Insolvency of Football Clubs and Sporting Succession

Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2023

Transportation Law on the Move

Intellectual Property Law in Switzerland

The SIX Swiss Exchange Listing Rules

Energy Law in Switzerland

New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration 2022

Swiss Justice in Comparison

The contractual Liability Regime on the Multimodal Transhipment in Combination of Road and Aerial Segments

ISO 19600 - Compliance Management Systems

Selected Papers on International Arbitration

Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2024

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