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Contemporary Architecture

Masterpieces around the World
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextContemporary Architecture. Masterpieces around the World is a new reference work that maps the exciting diversity and remarkable achievements of current architecture projects around the world. Exemplary buildings on all continents show how the sector's tasks, techniques, and styles have evolved in recent years. Conversion and sustainability have greatly increased in importance and impressive innovative architecture has emerged in new regions. Special emphasis is placed on presenting previously unknown masterpieces alongside well-known highlights of today's world of construction. This compendium also offers a reflection on the exciting contemporary global building culture and the directions in which it is developing in a world in transition.
EinbandartFester Einband
Seiten448 Seiten
MasseBreite 240 mm, Höhe 330 mm, Dicke 45 mm
Gewicht2922 g
IllustrationenFotos und Pläne


The core topic for Chris van Uffelen is the transfer of knowledge about design in all its manifestations. For more than twenty years the Dutch-German art historian has been publishing books as well as countless essays and articles on art, architecture, interior design and urban planning from antiquity to the present.
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