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Timber Homes

Taking Wood to New Levels
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextWood is without a doubt en-vogue with its impressive natural qualities. The residences presented in this volume are vivid manifestations of Frank Lloyd Wright's statements that wood is "universally beautiful to man" and "the most humanly intimate of all materials." The selected contemporary projects from around the world demonstrate the sheer endless possibilities for the use of timber in architecture and interior design.The shown architectural solutions emphasize the unparalleled advantages of this renewable building material, both in terms of design and function. Furthermore, they highlight the amazing versatility of wood, with a special focus on a large number of recently developed new techniques, processing options, and innovations. Above all, wooden architecture is a promising opportunity for architects to work towards a more CO2-neutral future.
EinbandartFester Einband
Seiten256 Seiten
MasseBreite 240 mm, Höhe 315 mm, Dicke 28 mm
Gewicht1648 g


The core topic for Chris van Uffelen is the transfer of knowledge about design in all its manifestations. For more than twenty years the Dutch-German art historian has been publishing books as well as countless essays and articles on art, architecture, interior design and urban planning from antiquity to the present.
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