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Living in Monaco

HC gerader Rücken kaschiert
Einband grossLiving in Monaco
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextA comprehensive, objective and brutally honest book about the Principality of Monaco and its living environment.The author intended to hunt down the myth around Monaco and to go beyond gossips. It is not a travel book, it is an ultimate guideline to those who are aiming to get a glimpse about the real Monaco and who have the desire to relocate their personal or business life to the Principality. Traps, frauds, socialite games, benefits, advantages are all covered in this book.Reading the "Living in Monaco" book you will face the really important questions, such as the required funds to relocate your family versus the small amount shortcuts toward your aims. The author discloses some of his personal experiences regarding how you can relocate from 20 000 Euros or how people use the label "Monaco" to collect multi-million Euro funds. Through the previously untold stories, the aim of the book is to raise attention to the most typical frauds and moral hazards usually committed by non-Monaco-based gold diggers and fortune hunters.
EinbandartFester Einband
Seiten638 Seiten
MasseBreite 157 mm, Höhe 235 mm, Dicke 38 mm
Gewicht1063 g


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