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Michelin Frankreich Nord

Michelin-KartenMichelin Nationalkarte; 724. Straßen- und Tourismuskarte 1: 1 000 000
inkl. 8.1 % MwSt.


KlappentextRenowned for over 100 years for their clear, accurate and easy-to-read mapping, Michelin country maps give travelers an overall picture of their route, with practical road and travel information; and city maps containing extensive street indexes orient them quickly so they can find their way to their destination.
ProduktartKarten und Globen
Année de parution2023
Date de parution23.11.2023
Edition23010 A. 10. Auflage
Pages1 Seiten
DimensionsBreite 113 mm, Höhe 251 mm, Dicke 7 mm
Poids79 g
Id-produit de l'éditeur0167113
BZ n°19450392
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