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A Manhattan Bar for All Reasons

Einband grossA Manhattan Bar for All Reasons
8.1 % TVA incluse


RésuméThis handy guide to New York City bars lists 31 great places to have a drink whatever your mood, from a quick beer to an elaborate cocktail. It is a guide for the connoisseur as well as the thirsty, taking in fancy bars and dive bars, bars with views and bars with history, bars to play bocce, and bars to get into trouble. And, of course, there are bars to forget those troubles too.
Type de produitCartes et globes
Type de reliureCarte
Année de parution2016
Date de parution01.10.2016
Edition16002 A. 2nd edition
DimensionsLargeur 111 mm, Hauteur 150 mm, Épaisseur 5 mm
Poids16 g
Id-produit de l'éditeur20374
BZ n°22507548
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