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The Concise Seduction

Taille reliureThe Concise Seduction
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméCompanion volume to the bestselling "Concise 48 Laws Of Power", which has now sold over 125,000 copies. Study of sex and power that should appeal to a broad range of readers. Good potential as a gift purchase.
RésuméA guide to the art of seduction.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2003
Date de parution04.09.2003
Mise en vente04.09.2003
Pages224 pages
DimensionsLargeur 114 mm, Hauteur 166 mm, Épaisseur 20 mm
Poids189 g
BZ n°9215765


'What Greene does so masterfully is take us on a fascinating trip into the psyches of the great seducers and offer a wealth of strategies for those who might like to dabble in the murky waters of manipulation themselves. One by one he exposes the techniques of behaviour control used by and against all of us in every area of our lives from business to bedroom. But it is when he explores the scheming psyche of the sexual predator that he is at his most compelling.' - Daily Mail 'It unearths the two sides of seduction: the characters and the process. The book prepares you for the ultimate seduction: your boss.' - Fran Cutler, the Daily Expressplus


Robert Greene, author of bestselling books including Mastery, The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction (both from Profile), has a degree in Classical Studies and has been an editor at Esquire and other magazines. He is also a playwright and lives in Los Angeles.
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