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Soil and Soul

People Versus Corporate Power
Taille reliureSoil and Soul
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


RésuméIn this powerful and provocative book, Scottish writer and campaigner Alastair McIntosh shows how it is still possible for individuals and communities to take on the might of corporate power and emerge victorious.
Texte supplémentaireMake no claim to know the world if you have not read this book

No Logo in a Fair Isle jumper
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2004
Date de parution26.08.2004
Pages384 Seiten
DimensionsBreite 129 mm, Höhe 197 mm, Dicke 23 mm
Poids246 g
Illustrationen8pp b&w photographs
BZ n°9603874


"This has to be the book of the decade. Lyrical, passionate, and poetic...truly compelling."plus


Alastair McIntosh is a Scottish writer and campaigner. A fellow of the Centre for Human Ecology, he lectures all over the world on subjects including new economics, community and non-violent defence strategies. He is author of Soil and Soul, published by Aurum.
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