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Skills- Techniques- Training. General (US: Trade)
Einband grossOrienteering
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


RésuméProvides practical advice that helps you become a better sportsperson, whether you are learning the basic skills, discovering more advanced techniques or reviewing the fundamentals of your sport.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Année de parution2010
Date de parution30.09.2010
Pages128 Seiten
DimensionsLargeur 190 mm, Hauteur 245 mm, Épaisseur 7 mm
Poids376 g
IllustrationsHalftones, color; Illustrations, unspecified
BZ n°11635113


Carol McNeill's career in orienteering has paralleled that of the development of the sport in Britain. Her seventh place at the World Orienteering Championships in Finland in 1979 is still one of Britain's highest individual placings at this level. She has won a gold medal four times at the World Veteran Championships and is one of few British competitors to have had class wins at the renowned Swedish Five Days. Carol received an MBE for her services to the sport and now lives in the Lake District where she continues to be fully involved in the sport.
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