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Meat Market

Taille reliureMeat Market
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméModern culture is obsessed with controlling women's bodies. Our societies are saturated with images of unreal, idealised female beauty whilst real female bodies and the women who inhabit them are alienated from their own personal and political potential. Under modern capitalism, women are both consumers and consumed: Meat Market offers strategies for resisting this gory cycle of consumption, exposing how the trade in female flesh extends into every part of women's political selfhood.
RésuméA feminist dissection of women's bodies as the fleshy fulcrum of capitalist cannibalism, whereby women are both consumers and consumed.
Type de produitLivre
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
MasseLargeur 144 mm, Hauteur 219 mm, Épaisseur 9 mm
Gewicht103 g


Laurie Penny hones her every phrase to a razor's edge. She is absolutely surgical in her anatomising of a mad world. MEAT MARKET is the kind of cut you learn from. (Warren Ellis, author of TRANSMETROPOLITAN, CROOKED LITTLE VEIN, RED)mehr


Laurie Penny is a 23-year old journalist, blogger, feminist activist and reprobate from London with a deep loathing for unexamined orthodoxies. She writes the popular blog Penny Red and lives in London UK.
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