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J'aime London

mit Restaurantführer
Taille reliureJ'aime London
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RésuméThis world-renowned chef presents a list of his favourite eating haunts in London, presented in a beautiful and luxurious volume, with lavish photography. Follows the success of "J'aime New York" and "J'aime Paris".
RésuméRenowned chef Alain Ducasse presents a list of his favourite eating haunts in London in this beautiful and luxurious package.
Type de produitLivre
Année de parution2014
Pages441 pages
DimensionsLargeur 198 mm, Hauteur 252 mm, Épaisseur 51 mm
Poids2034 g
Illustrationss/w., farb. Fotos
BZ n°15433431


Alain Ducasse is one of the most renowned chefs of his generation. Born in the Landes region of western France, he is also a restaurant designer, hotelier and teacher of the culinary arts. His current stable of restaurants includes Plaza Athenee (Paris), Jules Verne (Eiffel Tower, Paris), The Dorchester (London), and he is the only chef to hold 19 Michelin stars throughout his career.
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