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A Deeply Unserious Wine Book
Einband grossCorker
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextFrom wine writer and tv presenter Hannah Crosbie, Corker will become the go-to guide that matches wine with life's important (and unimportant) events. So much of what we drink and how we drink it is rooted in occasion. What bottle do you buy the first time you meet the in-laws? What do you order on a date that's going well? If it's not going well? What should you drink on a plane? Pairing sage advice with Hannah's signature tongue-in-cheek humour, this is a deeply unserious wine book that celebrates the joy of everyday drinking. Corker is a guide for wine novices staring nonplussed at supermarket shelf, as well as wine lovers who might already know their Chablis from their Chenin, but still need some inspiration when picking the best bottle for their budget and the occasion.
EinbandartFester Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Seiten192 Seiten
MasseBreite 139 mm, Höhe 204 mm, Dicke 22 mm
Gewicht305 g


Hannah Crosbie is a wine personality and writer from Edinburgh, living in London. Often referred to as 'The Nigella of Wine', she is the most exciting voice in wine today. Her informed, albeit tongue-in-cheek approach creates a relaxed and refreshing space to learn 'while-u-drink', demystifying the esoteric world of wine.
She has appeared on Sunday Brunch and writes about wine for a variety of publications, regularly contributing to
Soho House, Mob Kitchen, FRIEZE, Decanter, Courier, Refinery29 and Pipette Magazine.
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