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English Language

Description, Variation and Context - Paperback
Einband grossEnglish Language
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextThe second edition of this hugely successful textbook provides comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics in theoretical and applied linguistics. Written by leading academics in the field, this text offers a firm grounding in linguistics and includes engaging insights into current research.

It covers all the key areas of linguistic analysis, including phonetics, morphology, semantics and pragmatics, and core domains of study, comprising the history of the English language, regional and social variation, style and communication and interaction. Fresh material on research methods outlines key areas for consideration when carrying out a research project, and provides students with the framework they need to investigate linguistic phenomena for themselves.

This is an invaluable resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate students on English language and linguistics degree programmes.

New to this Edition:
- Seven new chapters covering topics such as second language acquisition, corpus linguistics and research methods
- A number of chapters have been substantially revised, including those on World Englishes, Literacies in Cyberspace and TEFL, TESOL and Linguistics
- Fully updated throughout to reflect the latest advances in the field
ZusatztextThis comprehensive, well-written and interesting book covers a range of important topics that are central to the study of the English language, including the structure and history of English, its use in speech and writing, and the role it plays in human interaction, teaching and learning.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Auflage2. A.
Seiten696 Seiten
MasseBreite 193 mm, Höhe 260 mm, Dicke 35 mm
Gewicht1388 g


INTRODUCTION 1. Studying the English language ENGLISH: STRUCTURE 2. Phonetics 3. Phonology 4. Morphology: word structure 5. Grammar: words (and phrases) 6. Grammar: phrases (and clauses) 7. Grammar: clauses (and sentences) 8. Text linguistics 9. Semantics 10. Pragmatics ENGLISH: HISTORY 11. Standard English and standardization 12. Spelling 13. Phonological change 14. Lexical change 15. Semantic change 16. Grammatical change ENGLISH SPEECH: REGIONAL AND SOCIAL VARIATION 17. Regional variation in English accents and dialects 18. Language and social class 19. Language and ethnicity 20. Pidgins and creole Englishes 21. American English 22. World Englishes and English as a lingua franca 23. Language discourses: attitudes to diversity ENGLISH WRITING: STYLE, GENRE AND PRACTICE 24. Speech, writing and discourse type 25. Language in newspapers 26. Language in advertisements 27. Language in literature: stylistics 28. Literary practices 29. New technologies: literacies in cyberspace ENGLISH: COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTION 30. Structures of conversation 31. Language, reality and power 32. Politeness in interaction 33. Gender and language 34. Language and sexuality 35. Bad language 36. Language and politics 37. Business communication ENGLISH: LEARNING AND TEACHING 38. First language acquisition 39. Second language acquisition 40. Languages and literacies in education 41. TEFL, TESOL and linguistics ENGLISH INVESTIGATING 42. Methods for researching English 43. The corpus method and English CONCLUSION 44. The English language: reflections.mehr
This hugely successful textbook provides comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics in theoretical and applied linguistics.mehr


Jonathan Culpeper is Professor of English Language and Linguistics at Lancaster University, UK.
Paul Kerswill is Professor of Sociolinguistics at the University of York, UK.
Ruth Wodak is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies at Lancaster University, UK, and affiliated to the University of Vienna, Austria.
Professor Tony McEnery is a corpus linguist working at the University of Lancaster, UK
FRANCIS KATAMBA is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Lancaster, UK.
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