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The Velveteen Rabbit

3 - 5 J.
Einband grossThe Velveteen Rabbit
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


Klappentext"When a child loves you . . . REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

The Velveteen Rabbit longs to be Real, just like his wise old friend the Skin Horse. But being Real isn't about how you're made, it's something that happens to you, and with a small boy's love and some strange and wonderful nursery magic, the little Rabbit's dreams might just come true . . .

Complete and unabridged, this beautifully illustrated edition of Margery Williams' classic children's story, first published in 1922, will win the heart of anyone who believes in the power of love.
ZusammenfassungWhen the Velveteen Rabbit first arrives in the nursery, he's snubbed by the other toys. But the Rabbit soon makes friends with the Skin Horse who explains how toys can become 'real',if only they are loved enough. But when Boy is ill with Scarlet Fever, and Rabbit is thrownaway, Rabbit finally discovers what it truly means to be real.
EinbandartFester Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Seiten64 Seiten
MasseBreite 240 mm, Höhe 265 mm, Dicke 14 mm
Gewicht580 g


A treasured classic, revisited for a new generationmehr


Sarah Massini has had a varied creative career as a corporate graphic designer, a children's book art editor, and now as the acclaimed illustrator of many picture books including The Velveteen Rabbit and The Little Prince. She lives in Sussex in the United Kingdom with her ecologist husband and her Scottie-dog Coco.
Margery Winifred Williams was born in London in 1881. During her lifetime she lived in England, America and Italy and wrote numerous books for adults and children. Her most famous book, The Velveteen Rabbit or How Toys Become Real, was published in1922.
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