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Gaza Under Hamas

From Islamic Democracy to Islamist Governance - Paperback
Taille reliureGaza Under Hamas
2.6 % TVA incluse


RésuméWINNER OF PALESTINE BOOK AWARDS 2017 Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by Israel, the EU, the USA and the UN. It has made itself notorious for its violent radicalism and uncompromising rejection of the Jewish state. After its infamous victory in the 2006 elections the world was watching to see how Hamas would govern. Could an Islamist group without any experience of power - and with an unwavering ideology - manage to deal with day-to-day realities on the ground? Bjorn Brenner investigates here what happened after the elections and puts the spotlight on the people over whom Hamas rules, rather than on its ideas. Lodging with Palestinian families and experiencing their daily encounters with Hamas, he offers an intimate perspective of the group as seen through local eyes. The book is based on hard-to-secure interviews with a wide range of key political and security figures in the Hamas administration, as well as with military commanders and members of the feared Qassam Brigades. Brenner also sought out those that Hamas identifies as local trouble makers: the extreme Salafi-Jihadis and members of the now more quiescent mainstream Fatah party led by Mahmoud Abbas.Updated for a new paperback edition, the book now covers events since 2016 and reflects on what the future holds for Hamas. The book includes a foreword by Shaul Mishal and an epilogue by Benedetta Berti, and discusses Hamas's newly published and more moderate Charter, the impact of the US peace plan, and suggests how we can understand the relationship between Hamas and democracy today since no new elections have taken place.
Texte supplémentaireConstitutes a significant contribution to the Hamas-related literature. It departs from the conventional discussion about the group's role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and treats Hamas as an instance of Islamic governance. Moreover, the book is written in a way that renders it useful to both the specialized and the general readership. It contains information that helps one reconstruct the conditions leading to the status quo in the Gaza Strip and also provides the full picture, including the background and aftermath, of incidents that made headlines but soon fell into oblivion.
Type de produitLivre
Type de reliureCartonné
Pays de publicationRoyaume-Uni
Année de parution2021
Date de parution21.10.2021
Mise en vente16.12.2021
Pages312 pages
DimensionsLargeur 138 mm, Hauteur 216 mm, Épaisseur 17 mm
Poids388 g
Illustrations3 bw integrated
BZ n°34919337


Table des matières
List of Illustrations Foreword by Shaul Mishal Preface to the second edition Glossary of terms Introduction by Magnus Ranstorp 1. Islamists in power by democratic means 2. Gaining power and relating to the opposition 3. Radicalisation and the emergence of splinter groups 4. The de-radicalisation of Islamists by Islamists 5. Social order in the midst of political chaos 6. The new political order and the judicial system 7. Islamist governance Hamas-style 8. Hamas beyond elections and governance Epilogue by Benedetta Berti Notes Select bibliography Indexplus
Scrutinizes Hamas governance to examine how Islamist ideology is translated into political actionplus


Bjorn Brenner serves as the Military Advisor to the UN Special Envoy for Syria. Prior to joining the United Nations, Björn was Lecturer at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm and Research Fellow at Institut francais du Proche-Orient in Amman, Jordan. He holds a doctorate in Peace and Development Studies from the University of Gothenburg and an MA in Political Science from Uppsala University. He is the author of numerous articles on Palestinian and Israeli politics and is a frequently appearing commentator in the media on Middle Eastern affairs.
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