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Atlas of Unexpected Places

Haphazard Discoveries, Chance Places and Unimaginable Destinations
Einband grossAtlas of Unexpected Places
inkl. 2.6 % MwSt.


KlappentextTraverse the globe and explore the extraordinary. This is a unique, enigmatic collection of 45 meticulously crafted maps for wandering off the beaten track.

Embark on an armchair expedition across nations and marvel at astounding spots only ever stumbled upon by chance. The profound histories and distinctive quirks of these happenstances are described in detail alongside evocative black and white photographs.

The unexpected places include: Just Enough Room Island, an aptly named islet that defies spatial conventions
The Purple Rock of Madeira, where shipwrecked lovers etched their love story into the annals of history
The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered one day by a wayward goat on a meandering path, guiding its keeper to unravel the mysteries of the past
Vaseline, where the product that has become a household staple was accidentally discovered

Discover destinations both infamous and unknown, where haphazard means have conspired to shape our world's history. This is a tour through the quirks of fate and the marvels of chance.

In every tale and map, the world's most astounding, improbable, and, above all, unexpected locations, providing a captivating glimpse into the tapestry of human history and the unpredictability of our planet's hidden wonders. This literary voyage is an ode to the curious and the adventurous, celebrating the unexpected marvels that define our world. This is a literary and visual adventure that will immerse you in far-off lands and obscure discoveries, offering a unique perspective on the world's hidden treasures.
ZusammenfassungIn 45 unique maps and with evocative photography, Atlas of Unexpected Places is a journey to far-off lands, obscure discoveries and unimaginable locations.
EinbandartKartonierter Einband
ProduktionslandVereinigtes Königreich
Seiten224 Seiten
MasseBreite 129 mm, Höhe 198 mm, Dicke 20 mm
Gewicht350 g
Illustrationenb-w photos


Described as 'one of the country's finest pop culture historians', Travis Elborough is an acclaimed author and social commentator who lives in London. His work delves into the ephemera of retro culture as well as the history of London, geography, and a broad range of other subjects. His Atlas of Vanishing Places won the Illustrated Book of the Year at the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards in 2020, and he has also written The Bus We Loved, a passionate love letter to the Routemaster bus which defined London transport for more than 50 years. His other works include A Traveller's Year, A London Year, The Long-Player Goodbye, Being A Writer and A Walk in the Park: The Life and Times of a People's Institution. Travis is a regular contributor to Radio 4 and the Guardian, and has penned articles on all aspects of travel and culture, from pirates in the Caribbean to donkeys at the British seaside. He has written for the Times, Sunday Times, New Statesman, BBC History Magazine and Kinfolk among others, and is a visiting lecturer at the University of Westminster, where he teaches creative writing.
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